Amarillo has not been able to pass a parks bond since 1974. The athletic fields across the city are not in good shape. The City of Amarillo does the best they can when it comes to field maintenance. However, with our weather, lack of rain, and wear and tear from a high volume of youth sports play, the fields just don’t hold up. The playing surfaces in this new complex will consist of 100% synthetic turf. No water, no mowing, no weed-eating, or strenuous maintenance is required with synthetic turf.
Rockrose Sports Park
Home Field Advantage
For all kids. For all families. For our community.
this is a game changer
Funds – Complex Progress

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the complex?
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naming opportunities?
The Need
Economic Impact
Perhaps the single most important aspect of this athletic complex will be the ability to host athletic tournaments for several sports. For years, children and families from the Amarillo/Canyon region and the entire Texas Panhandle have had to travel to places like Denver, Dallas, Albuquerque, San Antonio, and other locations to compete in tournaments. These places have quality facilities to host such events. Now the Texas Panhandle can be a destination location as well for athletic competition!
Land Donation
Kids, Incorporated received a land donation of 90 acres from Rockrose Development for the purpose of constructing a state-of-the-art athletic complex. This property has tremendous access from I-27 and Loop 335, as well as Coulter Street.
Sports Program
This new sports complex will play host to sports programs like soccer, baseball, softball, track, flag football, outdoor volleyball, and any other sports program made for the outdoors. Many of these sports will be available for youth and adults alike. Not only will the synthetic fields will be available for games, but the complex will allow for much-needed practice space year-round. Kids, Incorporated currently serves approximately 18,000 children annually. With the new complex, and partnerships with other youth sports entities, tournaments, and new events, the annual number of children served could easily double in an annual time frame.
When will construction begin?
The short answer is very soon! The long answer is we still need your help! We have raised just over $20.5 million. We have a challenge grant that funds when we reach the $24 million mark so when we hit $24 million, we will instantly have $25.5 million.
At that point, we will break ground!
This project differs significantly from traditional capital campaigns due to its focus on infrastructure and the complexities involved in large-scale land development. Despite the absence of visible construction activity, it is important to note that hundreds of pages of meticulously engineered plans have been completed. These plans encompass every aspect of the complex, from infrastructure to layout, to guarantee that the development is executed to the highest standards.
Our communities have supported Kids, Inc. for 79 years and we are proud to come together to make this dream a reality.
For all kids. For all families. For our community.
Full complex details
Multipurpose Section
All Synthetic Turf with Lights!
2 – Regulation Soccer Fields (120yds × 75yds)
2 – 9v9 Soccer Fields (80yds × 55yds)
3 – 7v7 Soccer Fields (65yds × 45yds)
10 – 3v3 or 4v4 Soccer Fields (35yds × 25yds)
8 – Olympic Size Flag Football Fields (70yds × 30yds)
Baseball & Softball Complex
All Synthetic Turf with Lights!
7 – Baseball or Softball Fields with Adjustable Fencing up to 300ft
1 – Regulation Baseball Field with Fixed Fencing at 325ft down the lines, 375ft in the gaps, and 400ft to center field
14 – 3v3 or 4v4 Soccer Fields in the Outfields (35yds × 25yds)
2 – Regulation Soccer Fields (120yds × 75yds)
Space to mark tracks & volleyball courts
Large shaded pavilion (100ft × 80ft)
Includes TVs, fans, tables & chairs, and donor recognition!
Concrete Fenced Perimeter
Food Trucks

Coming Soon
become a game changer
Donors who give $100 or more
Will have their names displayed on a Donor Honor Wall at the complex. Friends of the various sports, family members of players, local & regional businesses, foundations, and individual donors may also be honored or memorialized with gifts to build the Rockrose Sports Park.
Special recognition will also be provided on the donor wall to individuals who name the Rockrose Sports Park in their will with a special designation to Kids, Inc. and youth sports.
More info on giving levels and recognition at the complex coming soon!