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Winter Basketball


Registration Begins:


Schedules Online:


Online Registration Ends:


Games Begin:


Games End:


Ages: 3rd – 6th Grade     Fee: $88

  • Registration opens: January
  • Games played: February-March
  • Games days: Fridays, Saturdays, and Mondays.
  • No games will be played from 3/8 – 3/16 due to Spring Break.
  • *For registration past 2/19, please call the office at 806.376.5936

What’s included:

A game shirt for the player to keep
(Participants must wear the official Kids, Inc. t-shirt to be eligible to participate in each game)

A year-end individual award

Eight league games

Paid Officials

Proof of eligibility

notice to all parents/guardians: at any time, at the sole discretion of kids, incorporated, we reserve the right to require the parent and/or legal guardian to submit an original birth certificate, a current report card, and/or a current school-validated class schedule to verify the accurate age/grade. for adult participants, we reserve the right to require the participant to submit one or more of the following valid forms of identification: 1) driver’s license from a u.s. state, 2) federal or state id card, 3) military id card, 4) u.s. passport.

revised and adopted by the kids, incorporated board of directors, October 4, 2023.

Code of conduct

  • the code of conduct applies to participants, coaches/volunteers, spectators, parents, contracted employees, officials, and professional staff
  • profane, obscene, abusive, degrading/threatening language, gestures and/or taunting in the presence of anyone attending a kids, incorporated event is prohibited.
  • do not handle a child/participant in an aggressive or abusive manner.
  • any act of violence is prohibited.
  • accept the decision of the game officials as being fair and called to the best of their ability.
  • do not knowingly permit an ineligible player to play in any game.
  • please use good sportsmanship.
  • the use of drugs, alcohol, vaping, or tobacco in any form is not permitted while attending any kids, incorporated event.
  • no firearms or weapons will be permitted at any kids, incorporated event.

at any time, at the sole discretion of kids, incorporated, violation of the code of conduct is subject to suspension or expulsion from our program.